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第22章 星光之路

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"What's the cause?" Drake felt a headache as he analyzed the situation. At the same time, I still felt a sense of crisis and disfort in my heart because I had fallen into that situation.

In fact, detectives have no superpowers or luck bonuses. As animals, they are also targeted by "murderers." Furthermore, the ``murderer'' is still unknown and there are no clues.

Derek took a drag on his cigarette to calm his anxiety. He was holding a cell phone in his other hand. The mobile phone interface stops at a series of number dialing interface. The series of numbers had been left to him by the person in charge of this mission. It is likely to be a personal contact of someone in a secret group.

Of course, he also knows that the best way to solve his problems now is to seek help from an occult group, a professional organization in China, but he doesn't want to do that.

He has to admit that he is a bit of a pretentious person and firmly believes that he can do anything. There's a reason for his confidence. At least he's been basically solving problems for himself since he was a kid.

Also, as a freedom-loving liberal who walks the gray line, he does not want to inform the occult team about his situation, considering that he may be subject to personal restrictions.

Derek doesn't decide to call until he finishes his cigarette. Then he closes the screen and gets ready for bed. Before going to bed, he tied himself, his blankets and his bed with black rubber rings. By the way, one of his hands was chained, and the other was hung on the bar at the head of the bed.

After making all the preparations, Derek slowly fell asleep.

Lost in the sky, Drake gradually lost his sense of self and knowledge, forgot that he was asleep, and gradually fell asleep.

Derek heard the call during the day in his dream. His voice was still low and full of pleading, he thought quietly.


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