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大家在看神道帝尊 灭族之夜,大帝的我被后人召唤 宿命之环 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 神道帝尊 我只想毁灭宗门,咋逆天成神了 万古之王 强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 我的诡异人生 超维术士 
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第22章 星光之路

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Like the legendary fishman, he took a step back and away from the monster. But his fear did not subside. After my vision expanded, even fear appeared in front of me. Behind him, a herd of murlocs stood on the dunes with fierce faces. Its thick body stretches the fabric of your clothes, and its sharp fin-like organs cut through it. They didn't seem to have an independent conscience. They took just such a step. He ignored her and walked step by step past her, towards the stormy beach behind her.

Each of the fishmen opened their mouths to whisper and let out a roar. He put his hands together with his upper body in a kind of ritual prayer posture and walked while praying something.

Drake suddenly realized that they might actually be worshiping something. He couldn't help but look back toward the sea. But this time, as he looked out to sea, he deeply regretted his hasty action. It seemed like he was going to lose his mind in an instant.

On the vast and oppressive ocean, water and sky meet, dark clouds and tsunamis stick together, and a gigantic crouching vermin pierces the sky vaguely, surrounded by thunderclouds, earthquakes, and tsunamis, moving towards us. step. Step by step, the face of the large dangerous beast seemed to resemble the murlocs passing by, as if these murlocs were descendants of this dangerous beast, or even humans. It was as if there were.

At that moment, Drake turned and tried to run away without hesitation, but the moment he took a step, he felt resistance in his left hand. He couldn't help but be surprised. When he turned around, two fishmen with human-like female features grabbed his left wrist with their webbed hands, while the other fish stared blankly at him, confused.

Drake desperately tries to escape from a group of insane psychotic Murlocs.


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站内强推剑道第一仙 烟雨楼 攀高枝 天灾第十年跟我去种田 预谋心动 重生男知青,带着系统下乡改造去 厄难天书 将军活不过仨月,换亲后我旺他百年 全民巨鱼求生:我能听到巨鱼心声 误嫁豪门,闪婚大叔宠爆了 咸鱼美妾超好孕,糙汉将军日日宠 半路抢的夫君他不对劲 综武:我就是朝廷鹰犬 豪门认亲?可我已经是千亿富婆了 灾后第六年,我靠发豆芽攒下农场 儒道至圣 裸婚!工地搬砖的老公竟是大财阀 刚成教父,你说这是霍格沃兹? 八零嫁前任小叔,科研大佬被撩疯 我的美人师父 
经典收藏老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 哥布林从模拟器开始进化 让你摸一下,没让你领悟天道三千 一天提升一境界,半年干破这苍穹 聊天群:被骗魔门,我模拟逃生 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 多子多福:我儿皆有仙帝之姿 反派:不朽帝族,族人竟都是老六 玄幻:我!帝族反派,横推万古 诸天:从暴风赤红开始不做人了 修炼从简化功法开始 圣王强者召唤不停,创建无上神庭 仙侠,我有机缘交换系统 百族入侵,我冰帝的身份瞒不住了 领主:开局被侯爵老婆发配边疆 吞噬星空之氪金系统 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了? 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 万古第一废材 顶级悟性:从基础拳法开始 
最近更新异界穿越最强杀手 系统识别大帝为蝼蚁,我一拳秒杀 废柴觉醒:九鼎大陆 拜托,我真不是幽魂魔尊! 我在现代修仙界重生 玄幻大陆之热血爱恋 赠礼万倍返还,修仙界第一舔狗 路星河登仙路 我在玄幻世界当面瘫 一分耕耘,万分收获! 今乐曾经噪古人 四大名着大乱战 师尊死后杀疯了,逆徒们跪地求原谅 从打渔开始成为一贷宗师 从幕后开始的剑与魔法 重瞳藏不住 神策,蚩渊,百花雨 我在武侠世界送快递 召唤未来身,先封印鸿钧千万年 师兄到底在做什么? 
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