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大家在看我的弟子全是大帝之资 九龙至尊 宿命之环 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 万古神帝 天域丹尊 一剑一酒一乾坤 修仙:我有一个天道空间 我家大师兄实在是太不正经了 给大帝收尸,我暴涨万年修为! 
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第31章 疯狂的深渊

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After all, my impression is that Zheng Yu loved his daughter very much, and also loved his late wife very much. For this reason, he stopped looking for a partner for several years and devoted all his efforts to the panionship of his daughter. ”

After drinking a few sips of tea, Chen Xiaolin's breathing gradually calmed down, and he continued: "His madness is true in love, but I don't agree with his actions. Now I feel he deserves death."

"I'm done." Chen Xiaolin's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked at Li Duojing with moist eyes, "Your turn, Master Li."

When Li Duanen heard the other party's name, he smiled lightly and said, ``Of course, I advised you not to walk in this muddy water, but you have investigated so much that cause and effect are entwined with you. You are deeply trapped.'' In this case, I will not hide anything from you anymore.

I think the "unnatural organization" you are talking about is probably an unnatural organization called "sanctuary inverse." Regarding the ceremony, we could tell from the translation of the scribbled text placed during the ceremony that it was a ritual of summoning souls, but summoning souls was the core of the ceremony, not the whole story. Simply put, Zheng Yu deceived us. ”

"Did they cheat?"

"Yes, the basic effect of this ritual is actually to usher in the ing of a supernatural deity. This ritual is not over yet, but it has already caused obvious results. Zheng Yu is not the only one who has bee a madman.It is very simple, but because of this, creatures that should not appear in this world will also appear in this world.''Li Duojin took a deep breath and looked into the forest. It reminded me of the black goat. He always felt that this monster was strange and dangerous and should not be killed so easily by the bined attack of the three dog members.


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