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大家在看哥布林从剑之圣女开始 厄难天书 开局签道大帝修为 灭族之夜,大帝的我被后人召唤 天人图谱 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 神豪:开局日入一万块 一剑一酒一乾坤 修仙:我有一个天道空间 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 
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第37章 影子的牺牲

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This is the only memory object Clark is likely to find.

When I arrived at the hallway of the castle's maid's room again, I approached Lady Hela again with an anxious attitude. He saw a large burn mark on the bedroom door. The fire in the room was probably extinguished. Fireworks were streaming from the door of the room.

When Clark reached the door and looked inside the room, his heart instantly tightened.

The place was in disrepair, with dressers torn apart and burnt clothes strewn about, but Mr. Clark did not see Miss Miller's body.

Isn't Miss Miller dead? Or maybe he didn't die here?

Mr Clark didn't know what had happened at the time, but he prayed with all his heart that Miss Miller would survive.

Thinking of this, Clark reached Miss Miller's bedroom door and turned the knob.

193 actions required

Miss Miller's boudoir was a little different than Clark had imagined. He thought that even if Miraille's room wasn't a beautiful girlish room, there would be at least one or two beautiful things in it. However, the actual room is very ordinary, the furniture is nothing special, and the necessities of daily life are basically available here.

Clark opened the chest of drawers in his room. Everyone was dressed as a castle maid. There were no civilian or other clothing. He couldn't help but remember that Lady Hela had said that Millet had bee a maid in the castle a month ago. , It is estimated that Miss Hella was previously very poor and did not have proper clothes.

The things in the closet were very clean. Clark searched every nook and cranny in the closet for something to hide, but couldn't find anything with memories.

Clark looked elsewhere, but again found nothing. Miraille's room was simple and frugal, just like his. She didn't have heavy make-up like Miss Hera, only a simple and beautiful face.


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站内强推剑道第一仙 万古第一废材 烟雨楼 为奴三年后,整个侯府跪求我原谅 我为长生仙 攀高枝 重生:权势巅峰 厄难天书 长生从炼丹宗师开始 误嫁豪门,闪婚大叔宠爆了 离婚错撩后,被京圈太子爷娇宠了 咸鱼美妾超好孕,糙汉将军日日宠 快穿之在年代文里做自己 综武:我就是朝廷鹰犬 豪门认亲?可我已经是千亿富婆了 裸婚!工地搬砖的老公竟是大财阀 刚成教父,你说这是霍格沃兹? 首辅大人后悔了,我已宠冠六宫 八零嫁前任小叔,科研大佬被撩疯 我的美人师父 
经典收藏老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 哥布林从模拟器开始进化 我的法宝都是规则系 禁地垂钓五十年,圣女跪求我出山 让你摸一下,没让你领悟天道三千 开局万倍地图,苟到天荒地老 多子多福:我儿皆有仙帝之姿 家族太无敌,逼得系统黑化升级 诸天:从暴风赤红开始不做人了 长生万古:从迎娶道侣开始 修炼从简化功法开始 悟性满级:剑阁观剑六十年 仙侠,我有机缘交换系统 百族入侵,我冰帝的身份瞒不住了 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了? 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 末世:从加点开始无限进化 万古第一废材 顶级悟性:从基础拳法开始 
最近更新异界穿越最强杀手 系统识别大帝为蝼蚁,我一拳秒杀 废柴觉醒:九鼎大陆 我在现代修仙界重生 玄幻大陆之热血爱恋 赠礼万倍返还,修仙界第一舔狗 从皇宫禁军开始,分身遍御天下 路星河登仙路 我在玄幻世界当面瘫 一分耕耘,万分收获! 我在异次元修复地球灵气 四大名着大乱战 师尊死后杀疯了,逆徒们跪地求原谅 从打渔开始成为一贷宗师 星穹武逆:地球客的火星传奇 从幕后开始的剑与魔法 重瞳藏不住 神策,蚩渊,百花雨 召唤未来身,先封印鸿钧千万年 师兄到底在做什么? 
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