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大家在看凌天剑帝 女侠且慢 女儿大闹修仙界,我仙帝身份曝光 灭族之夜,大帝的我被后人召唤 天人图谱 本尊苟到无敌,无限分身制霸仙界 绝世天资被欺辱,我叛出宗你哭啥 万古神帝 万相之王 我的诡异人生 
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Wang Qiang chuckled and boasted, "Not bad, not bad. They are all strong party members. Let's go without further ado

The members of the special operations team looked disdainful and stood motionless.

Wang Qiang walked ten meters away and realized that these soldiers were standing still, only the Colonel Erlengzi was following him!

Seeing Wang Qiang stop and turn around, the captain of the special operations team proudly said, "Everyone has it, let's go together

Wang Qiang understood in his heart that the relationship should be a challenge for him.

But the matter was not over. Yu Kuan walked forward and punched the captain in the stomach, causing him to jump up.

What do you mean, sir? "The team leader was almost beaten to the point of ruminating in his stomach, and he almost vomited out the instant noodles he ate the next night. Fortunately, he was in good health and managed to hold back.

What do you mean? Shouldn't Commander Muwu fight? If you dare to talk back, I'll fight! "Colonel Yu didn't say a word and directly beat up the squad leader.

After finishing the fight, Yu Kuan looked up and said, "From now on, I am responsible for the mand of the team. I will beat anyone who doesn't listen

Then Yu Kuan turned to Wang Qiang and said, "From now on, I will listen to you. If they don't listen, I will beat whoever you ask

Wang Qianglian said thank you.

Yu Kuan's face didn't show any emotion: "The ugly words are ahead. There is a military order issued for this task. If you fail, there will naturally be military punishment. If the military does not deal with you, I will personally deal with you

Wang Qiang looked at the Erlengzi brothers and really smiled, "Sure, how do you want to tidy up

Yu Kuan pointed to the small captain rolling on the ground and said, "Beating you ten times worse than him


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