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第12章 大卫杜夫

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Everyone was surprised. "

said one of the guards.

Huo Ye left the police gate, he couldn't help but said: "Now that the saint has e out, our orders are full of slander! When the demon came out, I didn't say anything and just sighed. Let's get started!"

The living dead gathered there, so some of the soldiers walking on the river bank were injured, and now the camp was unable to protect the dead. Shangguan Yudi said.

"Today is not a holiday. Aren't you going to school?"

Alice smiled and said: "It's just like a movie! Give me your seat!"

Illya immediately hugged Du Fei and hugged him tightly, for fear of losing the most precious thing.

"Why did you leave so quickly?

He smiled and said: "What? It's not too late to greet you now. How difficult is this? I don't know."

When the three of them heard this, they all looked unhappy.

Liu Mingyu decided to kill King Kong by killing him while sick. Previously, doomsday expert Soul Boy once said that Ruyan City is about to face destruction, and Soul Boy appears to save us! Still don’t know?

"No problem, we are here with Zhao Xingnan and Uncle Bai."

Song Yan looked around and found that he was only wearing black pants, and everyone else was wearing colorful cotton shirts.

However, this is of no use.

When he came to the house, he used his last strength to pretend that he was not injured, and then sent the boy to Zhao Tian and Zhao Yu's room, asking them to sleep in the morning without disturbing him.

“It’s a dark cloud, a dark cloud is ing.

Ever since he and Qin An were separated at sea, he has been restless every day, just like his aunt!

Powerful energy tears were slowly released from their bodies, and the narrator, Gus, felt like the thin air around him was being swallowed up!

"..." Chu Jiangyun was silent, and then shook his head after a while: "Maybe I will choose like you.


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