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大家在看在美漫当心灵导师的日子 人在斗罗,我比唐三早穿越几十年 从海贼开始横推万界 我的精灵训练家模拟器 我和琴酒携手共玩柯学世界 从火影开始的主神之路 穿越成鹰酱,结果是生化危机 无限完全拟态 斗罗之从变强从吃魂兽肉开始 诸天影视从四合院开始 
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品牌 纪梵希

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第97章 品牌 纪梵希


Givenchy and Hepburn: The Original Brand Ambassador

By Vanessa Friedman

Before there were“brand ambassadors”; before there was E!’s“Live From the Red Carpet”; before“American Gigolo” and Armani; before there were Los Angeles offices and celebrity liaisons for every fashion brand; before there were influencers, there was Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn.

The original designer and his actress muse, Mr. Givenchy and Ms. Hepburn defined a relationship that has bee the gold standard of almost every brand. And though almost every obituary and headline since the news of Mr. Givenchy’s death this week at age 91 has referenced the relationship as core to his career, its impact went far beyond what it meant for the individuals involved.

Arguably, on the model of their 40-year relationship, an entire fashion/Hollywood industrial plex has been built.

The question for me is whether either of them would necessarily recognize the connection, as deformed and industrialized as it has bee.

It’s worth reminding ourselves, in the age of what increasingly seems like celebrities-for-hire— when dresses worn by one designer to enter an award ceremony get changed to dresses worn by another designer for the after party and famous names profess undying devotion to a brand one season and then pop up in the ads of another brand the next— that once upon a time this was about two people who found in each other kindred spirits and worked together to craft two images: that of a woman and the man who dressed her.

And that once“muse,” when applied to fashion and artist, was interpreted in the classical Greek sense of the word, as opposed to as inspiration for hire, or for public pitching.


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站内强推我在精神病院学斩神 史上最强炼气期 万古第一废材 长生从炼丹宗师开始 重生96:权力之巅 黜龙 世子无双 我只想毁灭宗门,咋逆天成神了 截教扫地仙的诸天修行 三国:当不成谋士我只好四分天下 我的修炼时间和人不一样 快穿从魂穿六零开始 重生2002我的大学时代 儒道至圣 呢喃诗章 知青年代:我有一个暴击系统 四合院:我只想活着 七零,易孕娇妻被绝嗣军少宠哭了 超神学院:开局三王成为守护天使 生常 
经典收藏斗罗:偷看日记,女神们人设崩了 诸天从有超能力开始 霍格沃茨的宠物大师 斗破!开局合成玄黄炎,揍哭魂殿 无限完全拟态 忽悠智子当系统 综漫:我,言峰士郎,乌鲁克之王 我收服了宝可梦 斗罗:多子多福从天水学院开始 海贼:第一个伙伴是汤姆猫 港综:从拘灵遣将开始 没钱上大学的我只能去屠龙了 斗罗之沙瀑斗罗 火影:宇智波家的六眼 人在木叶,掌控十二符咒 斗罗:开局打包蓝银皇 诸天:从天下第一开始的千户 海贼:从被七千九百万救下开始 美漫世界当宅男 钻石王牌之烈焰左投 
最近更新无限流之我的男友是大BOSS 火影:学习禁术的我,无敌了 第一万朵玫瑰 开局水熊虫,湿骨林啃老 甜欲!小少爷今天又装乖了 魔晶猎人:出场就亲了铃铛 来自猎魔人世界的虚空开拓者 甄嬛传重生之陵容 闽南风情录 sos!说好的冰山校草呢 飓风战魂:折翼天使 你就顶着这张脸搞暗恋啊? A小姐的完美人生 崩铁:镜流师尊的剑首养成计划 绿茶心声泄露,炮灰直接捡漏 五等分:五等分的恋人 拿瓦:开局攻略马灵灵 精灵:从被猎人联盟追杀开始 盗墓:论万人迷和白月光的适配性 西游:出家人不打诳语,只打劫 
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