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大家在看我的弟子全是大帝之资 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 霸天武魂 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 家族修仙:从强化青光剑开始 一剑一酒一乾坤 神豪:开局日入一万块 诡道长生:我在诡异世界封神 玄幻之召唤万界神魔争霸 我能成神,全靠师妹们内卷! 
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第103章 索姆尼斯

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The demon god machine pressed his right hand to the ground, immediately his body stopped.

At the same time he walked quickly and approached Lord Tryon waving his hand.

Lord Tryon was fighting on his own hands.

There were collisions and crashes due to strong winds.

One part of the body is flesh and the other part is a large piece of metal.

In the end, the former won out.

Demonban led by Kuro retreated, but Lord Tryon did not retreat.

"Is that all? Then Ke will be bored. And if Yui wins, something you don't want might happen."

Lord Tryon appears in the church and seems to exhibit some kind of magical power.

"You are the whiteness of Adam."

Finally enraged, Kuro lost his mind and immediately aimed his weapon at the demon's head.

"Lemur Effect!"

The Demonbane shines with a great light, and the fruit gathered from that light is like the branches of the World Tree, and with one stroke it reaches and bees the world.

Unthinkable power is unleashed.

Just like that, the magical light hit Lord Tryon's magic field, and half an hour later, the power was officially absorbed from Lord Tryon's powerful magic power.

Lord Tryon was at a loss.

"This level of power is enough. If it is stronger than this, you will directly hurt Yuu."

Venus Trion was unharmed, but the magical power directly hit Venus' body.

You got shot with a magic gun, but you didn't get hurt?

is it really meat?

Kuro himself was shocked to see those results.

The answer is yes, the Venus trine is what brings flesh and blood.

And the result is-

"It's scary because magic is the enemy. Magicians are not bad people. They use magic to strengthen their bodies and know how to fight."

Kuro was surprised when L told him this information.

It was a secret book of the dead, so Elle couldn't help but worry about such trivial things.


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站内强推剑道第一仙 何不同舟渡 全民巨鱼求生:我能听到巨鱼心声 谁家宠妾不作死啊 万古第一废材 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 斗破:和萧炎摊牌,他求我当大哥 大一实习,你跑去749收容怪物 预谋心动 咬春靥 长生从炼丹宗师开始 穿进病娇世界,我只想活下来! 换亲赚翻了!我嫁病秧子得诰命 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 修复师 将军活不过仨月,换亲后我旺他百年 四合院艰难生活 综武:我就是朝廷鹰犬 综影视之炮灰不炮灰 大师姐只想摆烂,灵剑争着认主 
经典收藏老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 修仙家族:灵石加成系统 我的法宝都是规则系 签到百万年,打造万古第一家族 一天提升一境界,半年干破这苍穹 无限分身:横推仙界,从挖矿开始 开局不朽大帝,只手覆灭禁区 让你照顾家人,你怎么还无敌了 万族哭诉,人族绝对开挂了! 我在乱世词条无限合成 反派:禁忌女帝师尊,我无敌了! 万倍暴击增幅,废材变大帝 洪荒:开局昆仑山,化身亿亿万 我,天道殿殿主,打造诸天万榜 多子多福,老祖纳妾又变强了 修仙:我有一个天道空间 模拟培育,一次投放万倍收获 家族崛起,从灵植夫开始 逆天!开局签到第一天就无敌啦! 绝世天赋,我以刻苦无敌世间 
最近更新歌一曲神仙道 欧阳修仙之重生系统带我飞 尘间无生 逆时流年录 山贼之神级召唤崛起路 混沌之豪猪道人 打造万古家族,开局奖励极道帝兵 仙子不仁,那就堕落为奴吧 神符天命师 洪荒:一身灵宝入截教,杀穿封神 词条觉醒:从采药开始修行 一入修仙乾坤逆 灵幻纪元:救赎之途 被女友骗走腰子后,我成了最强仙医! 天命之神墟 模拟修仙,我七天速成元婴 叫你模拟,你三天元婴老祖? 全宇宙都在演我 躺平修仙:我的分身卷成万古至尊 横推武道:从斩妖除魔开始无敌! 
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