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But many times, things backfire. "

Chen Gaishi came to his senses and stepped forward quickly.

Suddenly Ouyang Xue took a step forward and came to the kitten's side. The last Eighth Yan Emperor of Shennong was a figure from the same period as that emperor. After the rise of the Emperor Xuanyuan, together with the Eighth Yan Emperor, he fought with the Chiyou people. In the end, the Xuanyuan clan unified many tribes and was called Huaxia in later generations.

Therefore, although Qin An is dealing with the strongest monsters now, the ones who are really suffering are Yao Zi, Yao Tian, Shennong and others. "

"What you said ...is really an exaggeration.

When the white cat saw the kitten, he barked anxiously and stood up. !

In addition to the superb acting skills of the two of them, any supporting role, even a passerby, can impress most people with their acting skills. Shangguan Yudie didn't want too many people to pay attention to them, but Huo Ye made this matter known to everyone. Is it a coincidence that I was hiding in the base city and being targeted by intestinal roots?

There is no way, there are too many zombies. If everyone gathers together, the impact of the concentrated zombies will probably be more powerful. "

Having said this, Weng Die looked at Beidou and continued:

"Then Ms. He Qin has already written that you are three people trapped underground. If I guess correctly, this red-skinned strong man should be Beidou, right? She can't move at this time. If Qin An's painting is moved Wouldn't it be a shame to not paint her with a big painted face?

I thought that my battle formation would be able to deal with these arrogant guys, but I didn’t expect that this guy would have an extremely plicated battle formation from the beginning. He really has two brushes.


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站内强推剑道第一仙 万古第一废材 穿越星际妻荣夫贵 烟雨楼 攀高枝 预谋心动 诸神愚戏 重生1958:从窝在深山打猎开始 长生从炼丹宗师开始 亲妈重生后,深陷儿子争宠修罗场 妻子的奉献 我的法宝都是规则系 七零,易孕娇妻被绝嗣军少宠哭了 快穿之在年代文里做自己 天兽鼎 半路抢的夫君他不对劲 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 造化血狱体 退下,让朕来 都重生了谁还不无敌 
经典收藏末世:让你屯物资,没让你屯女神 吞噬进化:我重生成了北极狼 全民求生:开局百倍修炼速度 神话入侵:我在地球斩神明 末世:从照顾邻居妻女开始 末日副本:无限列车囤货求生 星辰之主 踏星 末世天灾:我收了贝加尔湖你随意 末世之我有无数分身 召唤蚁兵,纵横末日 沙漠直播:开局捡到小耳廓狐 最强末世进化 末日降临,重生为战车横行世界 灵气复苏:我编造了历史神话 学霸的军工科研系统 末世脆皮空间大佬求抱大腿 星际10K 苟在山上躲天灾 让你多子多福,你娶了创世女神 
最近更新星际奇遇记 被偏执神明盯上,娇软人类杀疯了 末日:我觉醒空间系和精神念力 冠的日记本 全球冰封,我随手复制任意物资 在诡异世界当npc开始 希望之光:传承与创新的征程 腾和英的星辰大海 灾年记事:从逃荒开始变异 末日:走肾也走心 奶龙与贝利亚:宇宙之中的欢笑 星途逆世 快穿:娇软美人躺平后攻心成功了 末世:恶女囤了百万物资 冰封末世:打造山中末日堡垒 末世我收留美女上司 末世:从成为亡灵帝君开始 打工血族:从不列颠开始自救 基地:银河帝国 九等公民 
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