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rubbing 拓本

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第28章 rubbing 拓本

The Classics

Despite the “bibliocaust“ in which the first emperor of the Qin dynasty (r. 221–210 BCE) burned books other than legal and essential professional texts, many works of pre-Qin literature survive, thanks to their preservation in those historical works that were spared burning. The designation of select texts as “classics“ images promoted the prestige of these early writings. These classics evolved through the accretion of mentaries, most of which interpreted earlier texts in order to legitimate given rulers or political orientations.







Since the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) the “Five Classics“ refer to a divination manual, the Classic of Changes 易经; the oldest anthology of poems, the Classic of Poetry 诗经; a collection of speeches and decrees, the Classic of Documents 书经; a historical chronicle, the Springs and Autumns 春秋; and three handbooks of rules for behavior named together as the Ritual 礼. Thanks to the invention of paper (second century BCE), these classics were carved in stone to produce rubbings and memorized by almost all educated Chinese.


divination manual「短语」占卜指南(即《易经》)

A broader sense of authoritative writings came with the fourth-century division of texts into four main categories. This taxonomy made classics primary and history secondary, followed by the “masters“(thinkers later called philosophers), and collections of belles lettres. Rich in aphorisms, lively dialogues, fables and anecdotes, texts in the “masters“ category were usually posites of later date that collected a given master's dialogues with disciples or opponents. The rubric also included professional medical, military, and religious texts, including the Daoist and Buddhist canons. Texts that would later be labeled fiction did not generally merit inclusion in any of these categories, all centrally concerned with conveying the Way.


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站内强推剑道第一仙 万古第一废材 攀高枝 帝御无疆 重生:权势巅峰 诸神愚戏 重生男知青,带着系统下乡改造去 将军活不过仨月,换亲后我旺他百年 全民巨鱼求生:我能听到巨鱼心声 误嫁豪门,闪婚大叔宠爆了 离婚错撩后,被京圈太子爷娇宠了 咸鱼美妾超好孕,糙汉将军日日宠 半路抢的夫君他不对劲 综武:我就是朝廷鹰犬 豪门认亲?可我已经是千亿富婆了 儒道至圣 裸婚!工地搬砖的老公竟是大财阀 我的修炼时间和人不一样 刚成教父,你说这是霍格沃兹? 八零嫁前任小叔,科研大佬被撩疯 
经典收藏斗罗:偷看日记,女神们人设崩了 斗罗:开局入梦,比比东人设崩了 斗罗:我魂天帝重生在斗罗大陆 柯南之我不是蛇精病 霍格沃茨的日常系玩家 人在创骑:开局奈克斯特形态 流浪诸天的剑客 哈利波特:獾院家的平头哥 从海贼开始万界模拟 霍格沃茨代氪人 期待在异世界 斗罗之沙瀑斗罗 分身诸天之我靠我自己 魔禁之万物冻结 人在木叶,掌控十二符咒 斗罗:开局打包蓝银皇 傻了吧,红黑双方都是我马甲 斗罗从豌豆射手开始 斗破:重生海心焰,多子多福! 明尊 
最近更新转仙逆尘诀 大唐帝国的辉煌与变迁 安陵容重生:都是替身?那我先替 喂!让你拯救他,没让你占有他 憧憬成为终焉魔女 狐妖:若当来世我定不负你 抢来的男媳妇就是香 神话与民间传说 奸臣重生后将死对头拿下了 东京:被太太觊觎的我只想做游戏 龙族:隐形守护者 穿越食戟的我,能前往动漫美食番 不良人:从玄冥卧底做起 霍格沃茨的女巫 我的外挂多了亿点 柯南之酒厂半劳模的划水生活 浅夏时光校园风 杨志锋诗集 零三年少年的生活记录 百字日记 
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